Hey you guys! Long time no see, right?
If you know a bit about the blog, I'll know that my usual posting schedule is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I've been lacking these past 2 weeks, right?
I've been thinking about doing a challenge like this for a while now and for a few good reasons, which I'll get into. However, I had to prepare myself for it, either by overworking myself or choosing to stop my regular posting schedule and prepare some posts in advance for the challenge. I went for the latter.
Why am I doing a 30-days-of-posts challenge?
Challenges are an excellent way to revive interest and consistency
I love novelty and am, oftentimes, a victim of the "new shiny object" syndrome, which I'll talk about later in the challenge. This is sort of a new thing to me.
It felt good to switch gears for a while
It inspires me to search for new topics to talk about
I want that sense of completion by the end of it.
It'll force me into the habit of writing more and
I need to have a system for posting, which I don't have yet
I got excited every time I thought about it
I want to be a better writer, and the intense practice will make me that
I want to get out of the blog's ghost phase (another post coming up) while raising authority and trustworthiness. Much easier and faster said than done.
I want to know if I'm capable of something like this
I also made up some rules for me to have some guidance and keep coherence and thought I would explain them as well.
The posts don't need to be as long as they usually are, as long as they get my message across.
Done is better than perfect
This challenge is supposed to last 30 days, but I won't force it on weekends. If I post, I post, if I don't, I don't.
By the end, I'll have to do a before and after, blog-traffic-report style
I'll have to make at least one piece of content for Insta and Pinterest every time I post in here
If I'm no longer having fun, I'm done
Wish me luck and feel free to join the 30 days of posts challenge with me!