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The secret to getting ahead is getting started

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

If you haven't already, I highly encourage you to take a look at some of the trailers from this website called MasterClass. Their focus is teaching various skills through the lens of several masters of their craft. They have courses in art and entertainment, business, writing, food, wellness, and so on. By the way, this is not sponsored or an affiliate ad, I just really like the concept of their classes.

I recently saw a trailer for an authentic communications course by Robin Roberts. To be honest, I didn't know who she was until that moment, as I'm not American, but I liked the way she sounded and how she spoke. She seemed very confident, at ease, and engaging.

During the trailer, she dropped a few nuggets of wisdom that got me thinking and spoke to me. I want to discuss two topics in particular, which are

  • Make your mess your message

  • The secret to getting ahead is getting started

Let's start with what I took from them.

a worn-out wooden arrow painted red points to the right in a snowy mountain setting

Make your mess your message

Life is messy and confusing. It throws a myriad of challenges at us and it's up to us to learn lessons and grow from them. The mistakes we made and the lessons we learn shape how we see the world. It teaches us important skills.

For me, I felt like my somewhat long unemployment period, combined with my burnout story made me learn hard lessons. I had to heal a bunch, I had to rebuild my whole relationship with work and reimagine where I wanted my career to go. I got more in touch with myself, got to know what works better for me, and re-tapped into my passions. I decided to share it all here, each week and month as they come.

When she says "make your mess your message", it means to be vulnerable enough to share yourself and your story with the world. Authenticity and originality bring connection, and connections form communities. This is what I'm here for.

The secret to getting ahead is getting started

This is another topic that I always consciously thought to be true, but it took me until recently to really absorb and understand it. Being the perfectionist I am I tend to get that feeling of needing to be more prepared to start something. I discussed many times here about making mistakes and being ok with that, but as with many life-long skills, that is still a work in progress.

That sentence resonated with me because is simple. You get good at what you dedicate time and energy to, right? But you are not gonna be as good when you start something as when you have been doing it for a while, so why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?

two paper text box say: "I made a mistake" and "Mistakes help me learn"

Making mistakes is as important to learning as is to getting things right. So just freaking do it. Start that project you've been meaning to, organize that vacation, start a business, start a blog, go to college again. Just. Freaking. Start. This is your sign.

Time is gonna go by regardless, so set the foundations now to make yourself proud in the future. And use your mess, it's great stuff.


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