Resultados da busca
61 items found for "blog traffic report"
- My first writer's block
I can get overwhelmed thinking there is so much I could be doing whether that is in the house, the blog I also want this blog to become a business eventually, and as much as I like this perspective, work is
- One year might not make you an expert, but it can change everything
And I'd like to think my writing has improved from the start of the blog until now. media analytics than I ever had in my life and spent a lot of last year studying the ins and outs of blogging
- The questions I've been getting in my offline life: why write in English?
You'll know I'm South American if you read the About Me section of the blog. If you're curious, here I go into why I started a blog!
- I'm using OKRs to get closer to my goals for this year
Here on the blog, I've written about creating systems to make tasks easier, preparing at your best moments this year, apart from the inner-work-type ones Take action to buy my first car Make US$100 with the blog
- Preparing at your best for your worst: laziness, consistency, and good habits
It's been some time since I started binge-watching small business vlogs and art creation content geared So I created some systems for myself, and I'll give you examples I use to work on the blog: I have my In practice, this is the minimum I have to do to keep the blog up and running, even if it just means At this bare minimum, I'm still showing up and working towards growing the blog.
- What to write about when you don't know what to write about
see our new place and stayed with us for a few days, which was amazing, but I definitely felt like my blog
- You didn't miss THE opportunity, you missed AN opportunity
had a chance to rest and sleep A LOT, take care of myself, dive deeper into my own mind, create this blog
- Starting from scratch, literally
really viral Tiktok song make its intro, - A little context if you care to listen - I decided to start a blog
- The secret to getting ahead is getting started
Start that project you've been meaning to, organize that vacation, start a business, start a blog, go
- My current 2023 targets and goals
I spent MANY hours on Youtube, reading multiple blog posts and unfortunately fell hard for the "make-easy-money-online I started my TikTok account and this blog. I dabbled in affiliate marketing.
- Scarcity mindset and career moves: How to navigate it?
If you don't already know, I started this blog to document how I would rebuild my post-burnout work relationship
- Consistency is key, but why?
In my last posts here on the blog, on Instagram, and Pinterest, I've been talking a lot about consistency